Sunday, 22 February 2015


Harry and Dad had a fun morning while Mum had a good sleep after night shift. Harry likes playdoh so he showed Dad how much fun it is.

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Bath or shower

Harry always asks for a bath instead of a shower. He has a lot more fun. He seems to like pouring the water out of the bath and on the floor :-( He really likes the bubbles though.


Harry spent the afternoon with Nanna and created some nice works of art.  Good job.

Friday, 20 February 2015


Harry likes story time before bed.  This time is was Bob the builder, Harry seems to think Dad can fix it :-)
Also a bit of Incy Wincy Spider with Harry adding his own twist to the lyrics.  The spider crawled up Daddys leg.

Omas Birthday

It was Omas birthday on the 9th Feb.  It was a big one but can't say :-)

We all went out to Hickories smoke house for a great dinner.  Very nice.  Then we went back to Omas house for a bit of cake.

Drying hair

Harry can dry his own hair.  Those child safety plug covers, well Harrry has figured that out.
Bath time routine is a little different now.

Dancing again

Harry as moved to some Uptown Funk dancing.